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Who is Aaron Nannini?

Welcome to my website! My name is Aaron Nannini and I’m the founder of Cash Uncomplicated.

Changing my mindset about personal finance has eliminated so much of the confusion and stress I used to have about money.

I believe that you can achieve complete financial harmony without sacrificing your lifestyle or happiness.

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Life and Money: Play by the Rules of the Game

“If only I had invested in Amazon, Apple, or Nvidia 15 years ago” or “I knew I should have bought that property 20 years ago when it was under $250,000.” This is an all too familiar sentiment. It’s also a waste of time and energy because there are new rules of the game.  A new game with different rules. Unfortunately,

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Money habits

Money Habits and Systems, Not Bailouts

Improving your money habits and systems is the best way to get ahead financially. Set up systems and follow them on a predictable basis. Sounds simple, but simple wins.    Best Way to Win With Money I believe there are lots of ways to win with money, and I’ve seen it done in different ways. By far and away the

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Money Advice Is Not Universal

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Debt as a tool

Debt As A Tool: It’s a Power Saw

Debt is a tool. Ever heard this? Lots of personal finance experts have made this statement, but it kind of stops at that—leaving many wondering what that even means.  There’s more to it and the whole debt as a tool thing needs some explanation. The concept needs to be understood because improper implementation of the strategy can lead to major

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Bison teacher

What Bison Can Teach Us About Money

Bison are one of the few animals that don’t hide or run from storms. They face it head on because they know this is the fastest way to get out of it. Bison can teach us a lot about money if we follow their lead.    How Can an Animal Teach Us About Money? I think the Bison are onto

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Money evolution

The Money Evolution: A Breakdown of Your Teens to Fifties

There’s a money evolution going on inside of you whether you know it or not. We are always learning and changing. Some people make productive and healthy changes while others make not so great changes. Very few of us stay the same.    The Evolution Inside Us Although this post is focused on our money evolution, we are all evolving

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Cash Uncomplicated

A New Mindset To Building Wealth

I’m very excited to announce the release of my new book Cash Uncomplicated! On sale everywhere books are sold.
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