104 Things to do That Don’t Cost Money (or Very Little Money)


Person hiking

There are a lot of things to do that don’t cost money–probably at least a thousand or more. From reading a book to going for a hike, this post will cover 104 things to do that don’t cost money, or very little money. You’re not going to love everything on this list so take what you like and don’t worry about the rest.

Even if you can get 10 or 15 ideas, that’s a great start. I live by value-based spending–putting forth time and resources only toward the things that I really want to do. Many things cost money–but there are also many things and experiences that don’t. And that’s what this post is going to cover.


Number 1: Read a Book

You can find books everywhere. The library, borrow from a friend, old books in your shelf, audiobooks, etc. Read for entertainment or to learn something new. Some of my favorite books:


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Number 2: Listen to Music

Number two on the list of things to do that don’t cost money is listen to music. Listen while taking a walk, exercising, driving, or just relaxing at home.


Number 3: Go On a Picnic


Group of people having a picnic


Pack up lunch or dinner and go on a picnic. Go to a local park, the lake or beach, or just have a picnic with the kids in the backyard.


Number 4: Take a Walk

Take a walk around the neighborhood, downtown, at a park, or anywhere else you’d like. Long, medium, or short–a walk is a great way to get out for some fresh air and exercise.


Number 5: Ride Bikes

There are a lot of options for riding bikes. Take a long bike ride, mountain bike on a challenging trail, go for a short ride around the neighborhood, and more. Beginner or expert, there’s a ride for everyone.


Number 6: Play a Game of Catch

Take out the old baseball glove and play catch with a baseball or softball.  Don’t worry if you don’t have time to go to a park, the front or back yard should have plenty of space.


Number 7: Learn to Draw

Number seven on the list of things to do that don’t cost money is to learn to draw. Try an online tutorial, take a class, or have a friend teach you.


Number 8: Neighborhood or Park Cleanup

Grab a bag, some gloves, and head out for a neighborhood or park cleanup. Go on your own or sign up for an organized volunteer group.


Number 9: Play with Your Kids

Kids want you to spend time with them. Play with them in the backyard, at the park, in the house, or anywhere you want to go. If you don’t have kids of your own–play with your nieces or nephews, or a friend or relatives kid.


Number 10: Do a Crossword Puzzle

There are plenty of free online crossword puzzles. Find one in an old magazine or you can even create your own. Start and finish in the same sitting or take your time over the course of a couple days.


Number 11: Go Swimming

Number 11 on the list of things to do that don’t cost money is to go swimming. Head down to the local beach, lake, river, friends pool, or neighborhood pool for a day or afternoon of swimming.


Number 12: Volunteer

Volunteer your time somewhere. A neighborhood community center, a local school, trash cleanup, food kitchen, or a variety of other places. There are probably hundreds of options.


Number 13: Learn Something New

There are endless options for this category. Learn something new–how to fix something, a new hobby, a sport, the list goes on and on. Try a YouTube tutorial, read a book, or find a good blog.

Some of my favorite blogs:


Number 14: Host a Garage Sale


Garage sale sign


Clean out the junk in your house and sell it. Garage sales are a great way to declutter and make a little money while you’re at it. Start early and get most of your things sold while most people are still sleeping.


Number 15: Go to the Beach

Number 15 on the list of things to do that don’t cost money is go to the beach. Go for a day of swimming, for a picnic, a sunrise walk and more. There are many ways to enjoy the beach, even if you’re not a surfer.


Number 16: Write Down Your Goals

The next one on the list not only doesn’t cost money, but will provide major benefits for the future. Writing down goals offers clarity and something tangible to work toward–the practice has been life-changing for me.



Number 17: Play a New Sport

Try a new sport. It can be a traditional sport like baseball or football, or something newer and less well-known like pickleball.


Number 18: Practice a Random Act of Kindness

Do something nice for someone. Help someone move, carry something for them, or just open the door for someone. It can be someone you know or don’t know–as long as it is kind.


Number 19: Go for a Run

Number 19 on the list of things to do that don’t cost money is to go for a run. It doesn’t have to be a marathon or anything serious–a short run around the neighborhood counts.


Number 20: Workout

Continuing the physical fitness theme: workout. Working out doesn’t require a trip to the gym, there are plenty of workouts you can do at the park or in your own backyard.


Number 21: Watch a Movie

Next up on the list: watch a movie. Not all movies are free of course, but there are many available to stream without a cost.


Number 22: Craft

Number 22 on the list of things to do that don’t coast money is to craft. Start a craft project for yourself, to give to someone else, or to sell on Etsy. Take your time and make something you’ve always wanted to make.


Number 23: Make a YouTube Video

If you’ve got a talent or something you want to share, try making a YouTube video. For how to get started, there are plenty of tutorials on–you guessed it: YouTube.


Number 24: Call a Friend or Family Member

I’m sure we’ve all lost touch with an old friend or family member. Try giving them an actual call and listen to their surprise when they hear your voice.


Number 25: Throw a Ball Around


Man throwing football


Find an old football, baseball, or any kind of ball and throw it around the yard. If the ball has been collecting dust the past few years, make sure to pump it up first!


Number 26: No-Cost Museum Day

Many museums have no-cost days. Find one that interests you and head out for the day. Many no-cost days are middle of the week like Tuesday or Wednesday.


Number 27: Listen to a Podcast

No matter what you’re interested in, there’s a podcast for it. Sports, entertainment, personal finance, business, travel–it’s all available. Listen in the car, on a walk, while you’re cleaning the house, or any other time. Some of my favorite podcasts:


Number 28: Write a Guest Blog Post

If you enjoy writing and have something you’ve been wanting to write about, reach out to a blogger and see if you can write a guest post. Many bloggers need quality content so it can be a win-win. You get to write and the blogger gets free content.


Number 29: Write an Old-Fashioned Letter

Number 29 on the list of things to do that don’t cost money is to write an old-fashioned letter to someone. Handwrite the letter, put a stamp on it, and mail it out. It might just make someone’s day.


Number 30: Go to a Friend’s House

Walk, bike, or drive to a friend’s house. Hang out for a few hours or the whole day. Find someone you haven’t seen for a while and reconnect.


Number 31: Take a Class at Adult Learning

I did this year’s ago (photo editing class) and really enjoyed it. Learn a new skill or hobby by taking a class at adult learning. Most of them are free and have good instruction.


Number 32: Practice Golf

Most public golf courses have free putting greens and areas to practice chipping. Head over to your local golf course and refine your short game.


Number 33: Play a Board Game

Monopoly, Chess, Checkers, and more. These are all board games many people probably have lying around the house somewhere. Play one of these old favorites with your family or a friend.


Number 34: No-Cost National Park or State Park Day

If you live near a National Park or State Park, try finding a no-cost day or weekend. Many parks offer a no-cost day or two during the year. Get there early and stay for the day.


Number 35: De-Clutter Your House

Next on the list of things to do that don’t cost money is something your future self will thank you for. De-clutter your house. Start with one section at a time and work your way through all the rooms in your house.


Number 36: Photography Walk

Similar to go for a walk, number 36 on our list adds photography to the mix. Bring a DSLR camera like the Nikon D7000 I use or snap photos with your cell phone on your walk. For more serious enthusiasts you’ll want to take along a tripod and other equipment.


Number 37: Go to a Park

Go to a park. Take the kids to the playground, bring a picnic, throw the ball around, or just take a walk through–there are many choices available.


Number 38: Go to the Library


Library books


Head off to the library for a selection of thousands of free books to check out. Read at the library, take them home for the week, or a combination of the two.


Number 39: Walk Your Dog

Walk your own dog or make money by becoming a dog walker on apps like Rover. Walking a dog is a great option for exercise, and can even earn you a little extra money if you’re interested.

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Number 40: Karaoke

When most people think of karaoke, they think of someone bellowing out bad tunes at a dive bar. Luckily, you can also sing your heart out with at-home karaoke!


Number 41: Read Something Online

Find a subject you’re interested in and search for a good article. There are thousands of great articles to choose from on almost any subject you can imagine.


Number 42: Go Fishing

Head out to the lake for a day of fishing. You don’t have to be an expert to enjoy the peace and quiet of the lake.


Number 43: Do a Tourist Activity

How many times has a friend come into town and done a tourist activity that you haven’t? Despite you actually living there! It doesn’t have to cost money–it might be a walking tour, bike tour, checking out a historical monument, or myriad other things.


Number 44: Go to a Meetup

There are tons of meetups in person or online. Find something you’re interested in and search for an event. All the way from hiking meetups to investing groups, the options are plentiful. Try Meetup to start.


Number 55: Watch a Game

Not that I advocate watching more TV, but if you’re looking for something quick to do for a little bit, turn on a game. My wife and I like to have games on in the background while we do household chores or have some downtime at the house.


Number 56: Sit by the Fire


People sitting by the fire


Number 56 on the list of things to do that don’t cost money is to pick a night and sit by the fire. This can be in your own backyard if you have a fire pit, your friend’s house, or at a local park with fire pits. Keep your phone in your pocket and relax for a couple hours.


Number 57: Search for Something Online

If you’re looking to learn something new or build a new skill, the info is available at your fingertips. There are great tutorials for almost anything and everything.


Number 58: Fly a Kite

Dig out the kite from the garage and take it out on a windy day. Head out to the local park or beach for some space to get a running start. If you’ve got kids, teach them how to get the kite up.


Number 59: Track Your Spending

If you want to do something productive, track your spending. There are plenty of free sites to do this. Personal Capital and Mint are two very popular sites. I also created a free spending tracker that heavily factors in value-based spending to assess whether your spending habits are actually aligned with your values.


Number 60: Paint a Room

Have a room in the house that is getting a little stale? Liven it up with a fresh coat of paint. It’s amazing what a simple paint job can do to an old room that needs some updating.


Number 61: Write a Book

Always wanted to write a book but haven’t gotten started? If I can do it, you can do it! Start with one page at a time and let your efforts compound. Once I got past page 30, I knew I could finish the whole book–and I did. Check out my book.


Number 62: Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt is number 62 on the list of things to do that don’t cost money. Set aside some time, make a list, and start the hunt. Kind of an old-fashioned game, but kids love it, and it’s fun to compete to see who can finish first.


Number 63: Clean up the Yard

Nobody likes coming home from working and pulling up to a house with a messy yard. Weeds here, overgrown bushes, leaves under the tree, etc. Spend some time outdoors getting the yard in shape.


Number 64: Go to an Open House

Pretty much any Saturday or Sunday you’ll find a bunch of open house signs. If you’re actively looking for a house this is a great time to learn the market. If you’re not, open houses are a great way to get some new ideas and see what other people have done with their homes.


Number 65: Take a Moment of Gratitude

This is something we all can do. Take a few minutes and write down everything you are grateful for. I’m starting to get into the habit of doing this every day, but I know it’s an area I need to improve on.


Number 66: Donate Old Clothing


Person holding donate sign


Have a sweater or a shirt you haven’t worn since the early 2000’s? Time to get rid of the old and clear out your closet. Donate your old clothing so it can be put to good use.


Number 67: Sell Things

Piggybacking off the last item, decide what you want to donate and what you want to sell. Maybe you have some vintage clothing you can sell on Poshmark, or some valuable old comics or baseball cards. Sell some of your old things you don’t use and donate the rest.


Number 68: Urban Hike

I studied abroad in Paris for a couple months my Sophomore year of college. Sometimes I would walk, but for the most part I took the Metro or bus. I felt like I saw a lot but when I came back to the city years later I saw so much more just by walking. Take an urban hike through your city and discover things you didn’t know existed.


Number 69: Take Your Child to the Playground

Next on the list of things to do that don’t cost money is a favorite pastime of mine. Take your kids to the playground. Walk to one nearby or drive to a new one on the other side of town. The kids love it and you’ll get to have a fun day with your kids outdoors. If you don’t have kids, offer to take your nieces, nephews, or a friend’s kid.


Number 70: Sit in Silence

This one is going to take some discipline. Try sitting in silence for a few minutes. It’s amazing how much noise is around us–technology, TV, traffic, people trying to get our attention, etc. It’s nice to have some peace and quiet to calm our minds and reflect.


Number 71: Complete Something on Your List

Find something important that’s been on your list and get it done. The sense of accomplishment will feel great and you’ll be motivated to attack the next thing on your list. Progress happens in small steps, knock over the first domino.


Number 72: Camp in the Backyard

You don’t have to travel far to camp. Especially if you have young kids, a camping trip in your own backyard is a great way to spend an evening. Set up the tent, grab some snacks and games, and you’re well on your way.


Number 73: Cornhole

Set up a game of Cornhole in your yard and get ready for hours of competition. Create a tournament or just play with some friends. Just beware of overly competitive people like myself…


Number 74: Recycle for Money

Collect your own cans and bottles or around the neighborhood. This isn’t going to make anyone rich but it’s a good way to teach kids about hard work and money. Take the kids to the recycling center and turn their work into cash.


Number 75: Learn an Instrument

Ever dreamed of playing the guitar or the piano? In-person lessons are probably the best but there are many online tutorials if you want to get started playing an instrument.


Number 76: Make a New Dinner


Two people cooking


It’s easy to get stuck in a weekly rut with the same meals. If you like cooking and are a little adventurous, try making a new dinner. Grab some fresh ingredients and make something new.


Number 77: Drive for Money

If you like driving and are looking to make a little extra money, there are lots of options. Drive for Uber, deliver groceries for Instacart, or pick up some hours on Doordash.

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Number 78: Monetize a Skill

Number 78 on the list of things to do that don’t cost money is to monetize a skill. If you’ve got a hobby like woodworking, sell some of your products online. Or if you love a certain subject in school, try tutoring on My Tutor.


Number 79: Sunrise Walk

Get up before dark and head out for a walk or hike. Find a good spot and watch the sunrise. I’ve done this a few times and it feels like I’m getting a jumpstart on the rest of the world.


Number 80: Morning Walk on the Beach

Expanding on the last idea, take a morning walk on the beach. The ocean just feels different in the morning. It’s a lot cooler and the rapidly changing light makes for beautiful scenery.


Number 81: Watch an Educational Documentary

Instead of watching mindless television or scrolling through social media, try watching an educational documentary. It’s fun to see what makes really successful people tick or learn about an event from the past. All the way from history to sports–there’s probably a documentary that will interest you.


Number 82: Cancel Subscriptions

Your future self will thank you. Go through all of your old subscriptions and decide which ones you use and value. Keep those and get rid of the rest. Some people find they have 10 or subscription services they haven’t used in years.

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Number 83: Animal Watch

You don’t have to go to a National Park to animal watch. Head out to the local park and watch for different types of animals. Rabbits, gophers, squirrels, and more are all plentiful in many areas.


Number 84: Play Darts

You don’t have to be the greatest athlete in the world to do number 84 on the list of things to do that don’t cost money–play darts. Gather up a couple people in the backyard or garage and get a game going.


Number 85: Detail the Car

I drive an old car. There are no payments and the car is still really reliable so there’s no reason for me to upgrade right now. Over the summer I had the car detailed. I was amazed at the results and the shine it brought back in the interior and exterior. Detail the car on your own for no cost other than the supplies or pay to have it professionally detailed.

Related: The Broken Down Car and the Emergency Fund


Number 86: Play With a Pet


Person playing frisbee with dog


Number 86 on the list of things to do that don’t cost money is play with a pet. From playing fetch with a large dog to watching a hamster spin around his wheel, playing with pets is a fun and relaxing activity.


Number 87: Teach Someone a Skill

Take something you’re good at and teach it to others. You don’t have to go big and post it on YouTube if you don’t want to. Teaching somebody a new skill one-on-one is enough.


Number 88: Deep Clean the House

Not exactly the most fun thing to do but a productive activity if you’re just looking for something to do. Pick a part of the house that needs a good scrub and get it back to its original shine.


Number 89: Join a Facebook Group

Pick a topic you’re interested in or want to learn more about and join a Facebook group. There are groups for just about any topic you can imagine. From cooking groups to personal finance to sports, there is a group for everyone.


Number 90: Play Cards

Just one deck of cards offers a bunch of different game options. Call up some friends and get a card game going. Or play with your kids and teach them some new games.


Number 91: Go to a Farmers Market

Head out on a weekday evening or a weekend to a Farmers Market. Especially in the summer, there are great selections of fruit, vegetables, and other items. You don’t even have to buy anything, walking around is half the fun.


Number 92: People Watch

People watch is number 92 on the list of things to do that don’t cost money. Hang out at a park or downtown and people watch. Watching the people go by is always an interesting experience.


Number 93: Touch-up Paint

The longer we live in our houses, the more dinged up the walls get. Especially in high traffic areas. Touch up-paint the little dings and marks to bring new life to the walls, you’ll be surprised how a little effort goes a long way.


Number 94: Review Insurance Policies

Ok, so this is not the most exciting item on the list of things to do that don’t cost money. But it’s necessary and can save you a lot of money–now or in the future Go over your insurance policies and make sure you have the right coverage and aren’t paying more than you should.


Number 95: Attend a Free Workshop

Thinking about learning something new but still on the fence? Rather than jump into the deep end with a paid workshop, try a free workshop. They can be great introductions and sources of information.


Number 96: Garden


Person gardening


If you’re someone who likes to be outdoors, gardening is a great hobby. Start small and work your way up to a flourishing garden as your skills improve. You’ll probably have a chance to meet a lot of your neighbors too as they walk past your house.


Number 97: Attend a Local Festival

Most weekends in the summer and spring there is a festival going on of some sort. You may need to drive a short distance but you should be able to find something. Art, film, photography, wine–there’s bound to be something for everyone.


Number 98: Stargaze

Sit out in the backyard or a camping site and look up at the stars. Even if you don’t know much about astronomy, you’ll be amazed at the vastness of the universe and how much you can see without city lights nearby.


Number 99: Nature Hike

Take a hike at a nearby park and enjoy the fresh air and trees. Go for a long hike or a short stroll–you don’t have to be an expert hiker to enjoy some time in the great outdoors.


Number 100: Go Outside

If you don’t feel up to going for a nature hike, just go outside. Read a book, sit and enjoy the day, or eat lunch in the backyard. Sometimes just being outside brightens our mood and makes for a great day.


Number 101: Host a Potluck

Make a dish yourself and invite your friends over for a potluck. Enjoy a diverse range of food and the company of your friends. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy either–simple dishes will do.


Number 102: Solve a Puzzle

My family is really into puzzles, especially around the holidays. Me, not so much. But a lot of people enjoy puzzles–it’s a good time to connect with family and friends and to solve something together.


Number 103: Go for a Scenic Drive


Scenic road


Find a nice scenic route and go for a drive. Take a short half hour drive or go for a longer drive. Make a few stops along the way and enjoy the day.


Number 104: Watch a Sunrise or Sunset

Last, but not least on the list of 104 things to do that don’t cost money is to watch a sunrise or sunset. Watch from a beach, a park, a mountaintop, or from your living room beauty. There’s something magical about seeing the day begin or end.


Parting Thoughts

Yes, a lot of things in life cost money. And there’s nothing wrong with that. There are also endless amounts of things to do that don’t cost money, or very little money.

Hopefully this post gives you some starter ideas. Try a few of them or even create your own list. I personally create lists like these so I’m not always having to search for ideas when I’m looking for something to do. Just go to the list and find something for the day.


What are some things you like to do that don’t cost money?



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