What is Lifestyle Creep? A Quick Overview

Alex is in his late twenties working for a marketing firm. Last year he made a little over 55,000 dollars, an increase of $7,000 from the year before. He hopes to make over 60,000 dollars this year after bonuses. Alex dutifully goes to work every morning and consistently gets good performance reviews.

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Keep it Simple-4 Financial Habits You Can Start Today

In the summer, my family and I go to the beach a good amount. We’re lucky to live about 25 minutes from the coast so it’s an easy drive to go to the beach for a few hours. With two little kids, my wife and I have a system where I drop her and the kids off right near the sand so they can set up while I go find parking.

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Finish What You Start

I buy used books whenever I can. The books are almost always in really good condition, and come at half the price. Some books you’d never even be able to tell are used.

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money and clock

The 4 Tenets of Healthy Financial Habits

We’ve all heard about the lottery winner going broke after 3 years. Or the celebrity declaring bankruptcy 5 years after their prime. Being successful with personal finance is really about the process. And a huge part of the process is creating healthy financial habits.

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