Crushing Your Long-Term Financial Goals

It’s important to have goals. Goals start as dreams or an idea and become a reality when they are written down, developed, and measured. Goals are so important to me that I have a chapter in my book Cash Uncomplicated specifically about goals. In my book, I write about short-term, medium-range, and long-term goals. In today’s post, we’ll focus specifically on long-term financial goals and how to crush those goals.

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Investing is Not Supposed to Be Immediately Exciting

It’s exciting to go to the racetrack, put down some money on a horse, and win big on a long shot. Coming home from the track with a couple thousand in your pocket has to be a good feeling. Not that I would know because I’ve never won more than 60 or 70 dollars—but a few thousand has to feel great!

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House with large lawn. Should that house be paid off or money used to invest?

Should You Pay Off Your House Or Invest More?

It’s a great position to be in. All consumer debt has been paid off, or never existed in the first place. You’re doing well in your career, invest 10 percent or more of your income, and have plenty of savings in your emergency fund. You also own your own home and don’t plan on moving anytime soon. You’re at a point where you have a surplus of money coming in every month.

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Ramen and PB & J: Not the Only Way

There’s an idea in personal finance that for the average person to obtain wealth, they need to cut a bunch of things out. Maybe it’s because cutting spending is the lowest common denominator, or the easiest thing for people to relate to. I’ve frequently heard statements equivalent to a crash diet:

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Debt as a tool

Debt As A Tool: It’s a Power Saw

Debt is a tool. Ever heard this? Lots of personal finance experts have made this statement, but it kind of stops at that—leaving many wondering