12 Money Myths You Should Ignore

There is a lot of bad financial information out there. Whether it’s from a clickbait ad, a neighbor with hot stock tips, a headline grabbing article, or well-meaning family members—bad information is all around us. With bad information comes money myths. These are my top 12 money myths.

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The Road to a Million: How Much You Need to Save to Get to One Million Dollars and More

A million dollars used to be the end of the rainbow in personal finance. It literally meant that you were a “millionaire.” You had made it financially and would never have to worry about money again providing you maintained your spending habits that got you to a million in the first place. However, due to inflation, a million dollars today is not what it used to be. But it’s still a lot of money and a very worthy financial goal.

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Finish What You Start

I buy used books whenever I can. The books are almost always in really good condition, and come at half the price. Some books you’d never even be able to tell are used.

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woman working

Should You Pay Off Debt or Invest?

Should you pay off debt or invest? There are so many answers out there—it’s confusing. One financial expert says to pay off all debt first, while another says invest before anything else. Your parents both think you should pay off debt before doing anything, while your aunt says you have to start investing young.

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Woman with hands up

Financial Freedom for Sale 

Most people equate shopping to buying things like clothes, cars, and electronics. It’s exciting, fun, and cool. When people think of saving and investing, words and phrases like “boring”, “long term future”, and “I’m becoming my parents” comes to mind. The future seems so far away, while buying cool stuff is right now.

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Why Are You Working So Hard?

Most people would agree that working hard is generally good. There are a lot of advantages to working hard including getting ahead, putting yourself in