Lunch-sandwich with bread, cheese, and meat, almonds on the side

6 Easy Lunch Ideas To Save You Money

A couple months ago I wrote a post about how much money making your own coffee can save you every day, week, month, and year. A reader commented that she was interested in finding out how much money bringing her own lunch would save her.

Great post idea I thought so I broke down the numbers in this post about bringing your own lunch.

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What If You Lost Your Job?

One of the most common fears for people in personal finance is losing their job. A job loss can happen for any number of reasons. Company down-sizing, poor performance, disruptions in the industry, reductions in state and/or federal funding, and countless other ways.

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Saving to be Spontaneous: Plus the Six Ways To Do It

There’s a misconception that saving money is boring and that savers are missing out on a lot of fun. Spending money on trips and fast cars is seen as exciting while saving is seen as well, not so exciting. Boring even. In a vacuum, I guess there’s something to this. But in real life, you can do both.

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Debt as a tool

Debt As A Tool: It’s a Power Saw

Debt is a tool. Ever heard this? Lots of personal finance experts have made this statement, but it kind of stops at that—leaving many wondering