The Sure Bet: Paying Off Debt

In my last post, I wrote about using a monthly surplus to pay off the house early or invest more. Both great options, one more optimized than the other. Either way, a really good place to be in. In today’s post, I’m going to write about the surest bet anyone can make—paying off debt.

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House with large lawn. Should that house be paid off or money used to invest?

Should You Pay Off Your House Or Invest More?

It’s a great position to be in. All consumer debt has been paid off, or never existed in the first place. You’re doing well in your career, invest 10 percent or more of your income, and have plenty of savings in your emergency fund. You also own your own home and don’t plan on moving anytime soon. You’re at a point where you have a surplus of money coming in every month.

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Can Packing Your Lunch Make You a Millionaire?

A few weeks back I published a post about making your own coffee titled Brewing Your Own Coffee: Can it Really Make You a Millionaire? One of the biggest clichés in personal finance is the idea that making your own coffee can make you a millionaire, or at the very least, save you a lot of money.

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money and car keys

How to Never Make a Car Payment Again

The average car payment for a new car in the United States is $563 per month, with the average term 70 months according to a recent article on Lendingtree.com. That’s 70 months, or almost six years of $563 car payments. For a family with two cars, multiply that number by two and you’ve got $1,126 per month!

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Woman writing

Win the Month

For several years now, I’ve had a slogan of sorts. “Win the Month.” In this article, I’ll be applying it to personal finances, but it translates to almost any area of life.

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Finish What You Start

I buy used books whenever I can. The books are almost always in really good condition, and come at half the price. Some books you’d never even be able to tell are used.

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money and clock

The 4 Tenets of Healthy Financial Habits

We’ve all heard about the lottery winner going broke after 3 years. Or the celebrity declaring bankruptcy 5 years after their prime. Being successful with personal finance is really about the process. And a huge part of the process is creating healthy financial habits.

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Debt as a tool

Debt As A Tool: It’s a Power Saw

Debt is a tool. Ever heard this? Lots of personal finance experts have made this statement, but it kind of stops at that—leaving many wondering