Crushing Your Long-Term Financial Goals

It’s important to have goals. Goals start as dreams or an idea and become a reality when they are written down, developed, and measured. Goals are so important to me that I have a chapter in my book Cash Uncomplicated specifically about goals. In my book, I write about short-term, medium-range, and long-term goals. In today’s post, we’ll focus specifically on long-term financial goals and how to crush those goals.

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Saving to be Spontaneous: Plus the Six Ways To Do It

There’s a misconception that saving money is boring and that savers are missing out on a lot of fun. Spending money on trips and fast cars is seen as exciting while saving is seen as well, not so exciting. Boring even. In a vacuum, I guess there’s something to this. But in real life, you can do both.

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Ramen and PB & J: Not the Only Way

There’s an idea in personal finance that for the average person to obtain wealth, they need to cut a bunch of things out. Maybe it’s because cutting spending is the lowest common denominator, or the easiest thing for people to relate to. I’ve frequently heard statements equivalent to a crash diet:

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12 Money Myths You Should Ignore

There is a lot of bad financial information out there. Whether it’s from a clickbait ad, a neighbor with hot stock tips, a headline grabbing article, or well-meaning family members—bad information is all around us. With bad information comes money myths. These are my top 12 money myths.

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money and car keys

How to Never Make a Car Payment Again

The average car payment for a new car in the United States is $563 per month, with the average term 70 months according to a recent article on That’s 70 months, or almost six years of $563 car payments. For a family with two cars, multiply that number by two and you’ve got $1,126 per month!

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5 Ways to Control the Impact of Inflation

As a little kid I can remember my grandparents reminiscing about the good old days and how much things used to cost. A pack of candy used to cost a nickel. A new car was a couple thousand dollars and they actually purchased their house for under $20,000.

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Debt As A Tool: It’s a Power Saw

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