The Broken Down Car and the Emergency Fund

A couple weeks ago my wife called me on a late Friday afternoon to tell me the warning lights on the car dashboard were red. I don’t know much about cars, but I know that’s not good. Unfortunately, she wasn’t just down the street or a few minutes away where she could quickly drive to a local mechanic and meet me there. She was about two and a half hours away in a town called Valencia.

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6 Productivity Tips That Will Help Anyone Get More Done in Less Time

We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Yet, we all use our time differently. Ultra-high achievers get more done in less time and seemingly create more hours in the day. Others flounder about the day and get almost nothing done. Even worse, some of these flounder-ers (is that even a word?) then complain about how they have no time (one of my pet peeves).

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What is the FIRE Movement?

Over the past few years the FIRE movement has started to gain more traction in the mainstream media. No, not a fire that burns and creates smoke, but FIRE as in Financial Independence Retire Early.

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Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk—Learn From It

Last night my two-year old daughter got into one of those moods that only two-year olds can get into where they insist on doing something. Anyone that’s had a two-year old knows what I’m talking about. What she wanted to do last night was to pour a small cup of milk into her bottle she drinks before bed.

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The Simple Pleasures

My wife and I took our two daughters to get burgers and ice cream at the mall on a Friday evening. With restaurants being closed on and off over the past year, we haven’t been out to eat as much as we used to. Not that we used to eat out all the time, but we’d go out to eat once every week or two.

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people and moving boxes

Should I Move? 5 Things to Consider First

It hasn’t been uncommon over the years for stories to come out about people moving to less expensive areas of the country. Those stories usually involve someone from California or New York moving to a much less expensive part of the country, tripling the square footage of their house, while paying a quarter of the price.

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Is It Ever OK to Speculate?

There are a lot of speculation plays hitting big right now. Bitcoin is way up as are a bunch of other cryptocurrencies, including meme coins.