Building a World-Class Man Cave on a Budget: 7 Steps
Making a fun shift from more serious topics like creating an emergency fund, investing, automating, and paying yourself first–today’s post is building a world-class man
Making a fun shift from more serious topics like creating an emergency fund, investing, automating, and paying yourself first–today’s post is building a world-class man
There is a lot of bad financial information out there. Whether it’s from a clickbait ad, a neighbor with hot stock tips, a headline grabbing article, or well-meaning family members—bad information is all around us. With bad information comes money myths. These are my top 12 money myths.
Retirement is often portrayed as the holy grail. A wonderful utopia in a far out magical world. Something to work towards your whole life so you can finally relax in the very end.
We all need to take a break and have fun now and then. Some call it a vacation, others call it a trip, travel, or holiday. Whatever you call it, we all need to hit the pause button on daily life and get away now and then.
I’ve noticed something in my neighborhood and other areas of town in the past week that I’ve never seen before. Today is November 16th, and there are Christmas decorations already up. Not just a house or two, but several houses.
The power of compound interest is undeniable. Compounding starts off slow, followed by more slow progress, and then BAM! It’s off and running and your
Scarcity exists everywhere–with time, money, ideas, a general mindset about life, and a plethora of other things. The premise of this post is that scarcity
Financial Mistakes happen. As much as we try to avoid them, they will occur. Hopefully not twice, but that happens too. It’s something everyone has
There are a lot of speculation plays hitting big right now. Bitcoin is way up as are a bunch of other cryptocurrencies, including meme coins.