Lunch-sandwich with bread, cheese, and meat, almonds on the side

6 Easy Lunch Ideas To Save You Money

A couple months ago I wrote a post about how much money making your own coffee can save you every day, week, month, and year. A reader commented that she was interested in finding out how much money bringing her own lunch would save her.

Great post idea I thought so I broke down the numbers in this post about bringing your own lunch.

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Woman relaxing in front of RV with bicycles stacked against RV

How To Become a Millionaire in 10 Years or Less

You struggled for years with money like I did and have decided to turn around your situation. Great first step! You’re reading the personal finance classics like The Millionaire Next Door, The Richest Man in Babylon, Rich Dad Poor Dad, and the Total Money Makeover. Maybe you’ve even read my book Cash Uncomplicated.

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The Sure Bet: Paying Off Debt

In my last post, I wrote about using a monthly surplus to pay off the house early or invest more. Both great options, one more optimized than the other. Either way, a really good place to be in. In today’s post, I’m going to write about the surest bet anyone can make—paying off debt.

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House with large lawn. Should that house be paid off or money used to invest?

Should You Pay Off Your House Or Invest More?

It’s a great position to be in. All consumer debt has been paid off, or never existed in the first place. You’re doing well in your career, invest 10 percent or more of your income, and have plenty of savings in your emergency fund. You also own your own home and don’t plan on moving anytime soon. You’re at a point where you have a surplus of money coming in every month.

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The 80/20 Principle and Money

If I went to the store and saw oranges for three dollars a pound, I wouldn’t buy them. Oranges are normally around a dollar per pound and two dollars more per pound would probably shock my system. I might even drive to another store across town to find oranges at the price I’m used to.

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What If You Lost Your Job?

One of the most common fears for people in personal finance is losing their job. A job loss can happen for any number of reasons. Company down-sizing, poor performance, disruptions in the industry, reductions in state and/or federal funding, and countless other ways.

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Top 6 Reasons to Save Money

We hear the message all the time—save money. Although that message is frequently given, there’s rarely a reason or a why given behind it. For some people, it may be obvious why they are saving, but for others, not so obvious. A couple in their mid-30’s with a family of four has different reasons for saving than a 22-year old fresh out of college.

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A New Way to Think of Getting a Raise

I think when most people think of getting a raise or pay increase, they think of making more money at work. Maybe by getting a promotion and making more, or moving up a step on the pay scale. Or making more sales, getting a bonus, or even starting a business.

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Is It Ever OK to Speculate?

There are a lot of speculation plays hitting big right now. Bitcoin is way up as are a bunch of other cryptocurrencies, including meme coins.