Ramen and PB & J: Not the Only Way

There’s an idea in personal finance that for the average person to obtain wealth, they need to cut a bunch of things out. Maybe it’s because cutting spending is the lowest common denominator, or the easiest thing for people to relate to. I’ve frequently heard statements equivalent to a crash diet:

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What Are You Listening To About Money?

A little over a week ago I was at a baseball game between the San Diego Padres and Los Angeles Dodgers. I’m actually a diehard San Francisco Giants fan, I was at the game because my wife is a Dodgers fan and she wanted me to go. People always laugh when they hear about our baseball allegiances because the Giants and Dodgers are longtime rivals.

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Pinpoint Responsibility

A few weeks ago the great Mike Krzyzewski announced next year would be his last as the basketball coach at Duke University. “Coach K” as he’s called, has been at Duke for over 40 years and is arguably the greatest college basketball coach of all time. John Wooden fans would probably have something to say about this, but it would be a spirited debate.

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Investing: It Comes Down to Financial Habits and Consistency

For new investors especially, it can be intimidating to start investing. One of the myths I write about in The 12 Money Myths You Should Ignore is that investing is only for the wealthy. In that post I write about the stereotypes of wealth and investing—images of yachts, helicopters, and 10,000 square foot mansions. While it’s true that rich people do invest, it’s also true that anyone can invest.

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Can Packing Your Lunch Make You a Millionaire?

A few weeks back I published a post about making your own coffee titled Brewing Your Own Coffee: Can it Really Make You a Millionaire? One of the biggest clichés in personal finance is the idea that making your own coffee can make you a millionaire, or at the very least, save you a lot of money.

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Financially Free vs Debt Free

Financially free or debt free? Are they the same thing or is one better than another? Do you have to be debt free to be financially free? These are questions I hear a lot, and I think there’s a lot of confusion between the two.

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The Broken Down Car and the Emergency Fund

A couple weeks ago my wife called me on a late Friday afternoon to tell me the warning lights on the car dashboard were red. I don’t know much about cars, but I know that’s not good. Unfortunately, she wasn’t just down the street or a few minutes away where she could quickly drive to a local mechanic and meet me there. She was about two and a half hours away in a town called Valencia.

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Inflation and Investing—What Should You Do?

One of the hot topics of late is inflation. Many experts are predicting we’re going to see inflation, hyperinflation, or even stagflation. A white hot real estate seller’s market, increased printing of money, and a rise in the cost of goods like fuel and groceries have all contributed to these conversations. It’s impossible to predict what’s on the horizon, but the clues are certainly out there that more inflation is coming.

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6 Productivity Tips That Will Help Anyone Get More Done in Less Time

We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Yet, we all use our time differently. Ultra-high achievers get more done in less time and seemingly create more hours in the day. Others flounder about the day and get almost nothing done. Even worse, some of these flounder-ers (is that even a word?) then complain about how they have no time (one of my pet peeves).

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Is It Ever OK to Speculate?

There are a lot of speculation plays hitting big right now. Bitcoin is way up as are a bunch of other cryptocurrencies, including meme coins.