The Broken Down Car and the Emergency Fund

A couple weeks ago my wife called me on a late Friday afternoon to tell me the warning lights on the car dashboard were red. I don’t know much about cars, but I know that’s not good. Unfortunately, she wasn’t just down the street or a few minutes away where she could quickly drive to a local mechanic and meet me there. She was about two and a half hours away in a town called Valencia.

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Inflation and Investing—What Should You Do?

One of the hot topics of late is inflation. Many experts are predicting we’re going to see inflation, hyperinflation, or even stagflation. A white hot real estate seller’s market, increased printing of money, and a rise in the cost of goods like fuel and groceries have all contributed to these conversations. It’s impossible to predict what’s on the horizon, but the clues are certainly out there that more inflation is coming.

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6 Productivity Tips That Will Help Anyone Get More Done in Less Time

We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Yet, we all use our time differently. Ultra-high achievers get more done in less time and seemingly create more hours in the day. Others flounder about the day and get almost nothing done. Even worse, some of these flounder-ers (is that even a word?) then complain about how they have no time (one of my pet peeves).

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Brewing Your Own Coffee: Will it Really Make You a Millionaire?

As I write this post early in the morning, coffee is being brewed in the house.  Every weekday night my wife sets up the coffee pot to start brewing the next morning so that it’s ready when she wakes up. I personally don’t drink coffee but she has a cup every morning. I don’t have anything against coffee, I just never got into it.

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How to Invest in Bitcoin Without Actually Buying Bitcoin

I normally write my blogs a few weeks ahead of time. That way I’ve always got posts ready to go. The original first sentence of this post was “Bitcoin is surging.” Oops, it’s plummeted the past few weeks so I have to scratch that sentence! But that doesn’t change the message I’m trying to relay.

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Look at the Real Cost—Not Just the Percentages

I’ve noticed a unique phenomenon in personal finance. I don’t know if it’s natural human tendency, or something that has developed over the years with more opportunity to take out debt. What I’ve noticed is that a lot of people aren’t really impacted by percentages like they are by actual dollar amounts.

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Mindless spending

Mindless Spending: The Thief Inside Us

There’s a thief robbing us of our money. This sneaky thief has been taking our money for years without us even knowing it. They’re taking one dollar at a time and we’re more than happy to give it to them. This thief knows our every move and takes advantage of our busy lives and tendency to fall into comfortable habits. What I’m talking about is the thief inside all of us, and it’s called mindless spending.

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Where Can You Find Money to Invest? Try These Five Places

One of the most common objections I hear about investing is where the money is going to come from to invest. With so many people living paycheck to paycheck, it’s not so easy to find 10 percent or more to invest. But it can be done. Here are five places to start.

Related: 6 Ways to Rapidly Increase Your Investment Contributions

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How a Strict Budget Can Actually Cost You Money

In personal finance, one of the most talked about ways to save money is by budgeting. For most, a budget means allocating a set amount of money and staying under that for the week or month. In this post, I am going to write about what might seem like a foreign concept—that budgeting might actually cost you money.

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