How To Attract Money: 21 Ways To Start Today


Woman with money in her hand

How to attract money? Do you walk around with a magnet, or some type of money finder, and hope for the best? Pour honey on your shirt and hope flying hundred dollar bills stick to you? All joking aside, there are methods and daily processes anyone can implement to attract money. Here are 21 ways to start with.

How to Attract Money Number One: Believe That You Can

The first idea about how to attract money starts with a belief. It means shifting old paradigms you may have had about money and believing that you can attract money. Clear your mind of your old beliefs about money and come in with a willingness to learn and improve.

Once you open your mind, you will be open to new ideas and concepts that will help you attract money. You will realize that some of the old concepts you used to hold true about money are simply not true. Some may come to the realization that some of the old ideas were actually holding you back, and that your new ideas will propel you forward.

Hand holding a piece of paper that says believe



How to Attract Money Number Two: Find Your Why

The second idea of how to attract money starts with finding your why. The concept of attracting money may sound kind of funny, or like a joke, but it’s important to clearly define why you want to attract money.

For most people it’s not greed, or attempting to accumulate as much money as possible just for the sake of accumulation. These are some common why’s:

  • Time freedom
  • Ability to give more
  • Geographical freedom
  • Fund child’s education
  • Help care for an aging parent
  • Live in a better school district

None of these why’s involve greed or accumulating money just for the sake of accumulation. They involve helping others and creating a better life for you and your family. Find your why and your motivation to attract money will become stronger and more clear.


How to Attract Money Number Three: Mindset

Mindset is an accumulation of a lot of things. It’s the way you think based on your beliefs, values, and goals. Mindset is all encompassing and critical to your success not just in personal finance, but in other areas of life as well.  Mindset affects your mood, motivation, attitude, and behavior.

Having the right mindset is so important to me that I have it as part of my book title and have written multiple posts specifically about the importance of it. Having the right mindset changed my life and I believe it can change yours too.


Square with mindset, action, and behavior inside of it

How to Attract Money Number Four: Become a Value-Based Spender

A common cliché in the personal finance space is that to succeed with money, you need to cut spending. Most people take this to mean depriving yourself of things you want and enjoy. Advice like this is commonplace:

  • “Cut out your summer family vacation, invest what you would have spent and you’ll be a millionaire in 30 years.”
  • “Never go out to eat and you’ll save thousands of dollars per year.”
  • “No vacations until all your student loans are paid off.”

Statements like these are like a crash diet. They’re easy enough to sustain for a short amount of time but they quickly lead to feelings of deprivation, and eventually failure. Value-based spending is the opposite of this. It’s the idea that we all have things in life that we value. Spend on those things and eliminate the leftover items that aren’t that important.


The first chapter of my book Cash Uncomplicated is dedicated to narrowing down the things you value and eliminating the rest. The idea is that once you have clarity on what you truly value, it’s easy to eliminate or minimize spending on other things. For specific exercises to help you narrow down what you value, read chapter one of my book and download the free bonuses.


How to Attract Money Number Five: Create Opportunity

Many people are good at taking advantage of an opportunity when it comes their way. Then there are people who go out and create their own opportunity. If you’re wanting to attract money, create opportunity by taking specific actions designed to improve your financial situation.

This table illustrates a few examples of what I mean:

What You Want Ways to Create Opportunity
Better paying job Identify a few higher paying jobs and talk to people in those jobs. Reach out in person, over LinkedIn, etc.
Retire by 55 Listen to podcasts, read books about early retirement
Save more Hang out with people who make good choices with their money
Find better investments Pick an investment area and attend meetups. Example: real estate meetups


Taking specific action to create opportunity will open up new doors and change your mindset. Using the last example in the table above, if you want to begin investing in real estate, attend meetups and hang around people who invest in real estate.

This will keep real estate at the forefront of your mind and put you around people who talk about real estate. The more you are exposed to a certain subject, the more likely you are to learn and become involved in that area.


How to Attract Money Number Six: Minimize Needless Purchases

Number six on the list of how to attract money is addition by subtraction. The less you spend on frivolous purchases, the more you will have to invest and save. It also reduces your monthly living expenses, which is next on the list.

Look through what you’ve spent money on in the last couple months. Circle or highlight the items you want to continue spending on and cross out the items you want to eliminate. Next month make a concerted effort to eliminate the items you crossed out.


How to Attract Money Number Seven: Reduce Living Expenses

Reducing living expenses creates opportunities to attract money in a few different ways.

Number One: The less you spend on living expenses, the more you have to spend on investments and add to your emergency savings, as alluded to in the previous section.

Number Two: Reducing living expenses allows you to look for greater opportunities outside of your current line of work. For example, if you currently make $4,000 per month and spend $3,900 per month, there’s not a lot of financial flexibility. You are going to need to stay in your job that pays $4,000 per month or find another job that pays that amount or higher.

However, if you make that same $4,000 but reduce your living expenses to $3,000 per month, there’s a lot more financial flexibility. If there’s an opportunity to leave your job for another job with more growth opportunity but less pay or commission based, you will have that option.

You’ll have the flexibility to look for other opportunities with more financial upside that might pay less in the short-term. Examples include starting your own business, sales jobs, a small company with lots of opportunity for growth, etc.


House with family inside of it


How to Attract Money Number Eight: Get Clear

Get clear on what you value and what you want to do with your life. It’s easy to drift for years at a time and move away from what you want with your life, or not think about it at all. Take the time to stop and think about what you want and how to get there.

Want more time with family and less hours at work? Want to work really hard on a side business for a few years, then sell that business or move into it full time? Get clear on what you want to do and then begin to set goals, which is our next section.


How to Attract Money Number Nine: Set Goals

It sounds cliché, but goals are a roadmap to success—whether it’s in the personal finance space, health and fitness, career, or anything else. Goals give your mind a destination to reach, which then enables you to go to work to achieve that goal.

Think of goals like this. If you were going to take a cross-country trip from San Francisco to New York, you wouldn’t just get in the car and start driving on the first highway you ran into. You would set your GPS to your destination and follow a precise route so that you can get there the most efficient or scenic way possible.

For more on goals and goal setting, read chapter 17 of my book Cash Uncomplicated and this post.


Goals with an arrow pointing forward


How to Attract Money Number Ten: Education

One of the greatest investments anyone can make is the investment in themselves. That can involve formal education, books, seminars, real life experience, and much more. For the purposes of this post, I’m not referring to a general education, but investing in specific knowledge.

For example, someone who wants to get involved in real estate investing would highly benefit from reading books written by successful investors, listening to podcasts, attending seminars, and implementing what they learn in real live transactions. The knowledge gained from a combination like this this is invaluable and very likely to attract money in future deals.


How to Attract Money Number Eleven: Avoid Comparisons

In my book, there’s a chapter titled “Don’t Compare Yourself With the Joneses’ Because the Joneses’ Might Be Broke.” At a young age, my Dad gave me the sage advice not to compare myself to others because there will always be someone better than you and someone worse off than you.

Which is true unless you’re literally the best in the world at what you do like Michael Jordan, Warren Buffett, or Wayne Gretzky. The percentages aren’t in your favor on this. Comparing yourself to others is a no win situation for this reason.

One of the great things about personal finance and attracting money is many people can be great at it. It really doesn’t matter if someone is better than you because everyone can win. Consider these quick examples to illustrate the point.

  • Investor A earns $11,000 per month in passive income
  • Investor B earns $9,500 per month in passive income
  • Investor C earns $14,000 per month in passive income

All three investors are earning a good amount in passive income each month, plenty to fund a very nice lifestyle. Sure, Investor C earns the most but the others are doing just fine. There is no reason for any of these investors to compare themselves to each other because they’re all doing great.


The word "Avoid" with a magnifying glass

How to Attract Money Number Twelve: Talk to Yourself Positively About Money

How we talk to ourselves helps shape our mindset. That applies to any subject, not just personal finance. One of the best books I’ve read about talking to ourselves is called What to Say When You Talk to Yourself by Shad Helmstetter.

The way we talk to ourselves about money helps shape our thoughts, feelings, and mindset about money. This chart is taken directly from my post Change the Way You Talk to Yourself About Money.


At this rate, I’ll be working until I’m in my 90’s I’ve got a plan to retire and am making progress
The economy sucks I’m going to contribute to my retirement fund every month, I know the economy goes up and down
Investing is only for the rich Investing is available to anyone, including me
I can’t save I saved more this year than last year


A simple reframe of statements like “I can’t save” to “I save more this year than last year” demonstrates the progress you are making and empowers you to make smart financial decisions. That’s in contrast to a hopeless self-fulfilling prophecy like “I can’t save.”


How to Attract Money Number Thirteen: Audit Your Finances

Audit can sound like a big scary word, but all it means is to look over or review. It’s important to audit your finances so you know where you stand and track your net worth. Some people like to do this weekly, or even daily. I personally don’t think that’s necessary.

Monthly should be plenty, especially as you get into a rhythm of checking up on your money and start to notice patterns and trends. I use Personal Capital because I’m able to link all of my accounts which makes it easy to get a bird’s eye view of my financial situation.

A really great thing about Personal Capital is you can add not only your assets and bank accounts, but also your debts, giving you a true picture of your net worth. Checking your money on a monthly basis, or another timeframe that works for you, gives you an opportunity to assess and improve.


How to Attract Money Number Fourteen: Get Really Good at an Investment

How to attract money number fourteen is about investing. In investing, it’s very easy to fall into the next shiny object trap where we learn about one investment then move away from that investment because we hear about something new and exciting. This is a trap I consciously avoid because I know that my mind loves to wander from investment to investment, causing me to lose focus.

For example, someone who begins investing in residential real estate. This person reads books, listens to podcasts, talks to other investors in the space, and even hires a real estate agent. Maybe they even make a couple offers on properties.

After a few months, they hear about someone who has made it big as a day trader so they decide to dive into that. This person just gave up all the momentum they had built in real estate to start new in an entirely new asset class. I’m not saying real estate is better than stocks, or stocks are better than real estate.

My premise is that it’s important to get good really good at one investment before getting into other things. It’s important to give yourself a chance to learn, develop and grow before jumping to something else. Pick an investment, build momentum, and give yourself time to get good at it.


How to Attract Money Number Fifteen: Teach Others

Arguably the best way to learn something is by teaching it. Teaching something like money management, how to save, or how to invest requires a level of mastery because you actually have to explain it. As you are formulating thoughts and opinions about how to explain things, you will come up with new ideas and concepts.

Those new ideas and concepts will not only help you teach the subject better, but also execute on the new ideas. This creates a much more rapid growth cycle.

Teaching comes in a variety of forms—it can be large scale like teaching a class or writing a book, or simply helping a friend with their money challenges. What’s important are the acts of formulating ideas and communicating those ideas to others in a clear and concise manner.


The words "share knowledge"


How to Attract Money Number Sixteen: Donate to a Worthy Cause

Donating to a worthy cause can come in the form of time, money, or both. Shifting the focus away from us to a worthy cause creates a positive shift in thinking. It moves us away from day-to-day life to big picture ways to help others.


There’s an expression: “Give it out in slices and it comes back in loaves.” That’s what donating to a worthy cause does. The efforts we give always seems to come back to us tenfold. Maybe it comes back to us via a worthy experience or new doors open that we previously didn’t know existed. It always seems to come back though.


When donating, it’s critical to do it for the right reasons. Donating time or money just because you are hoping to receive something in return is the wrong reason. Donating because you want to give and do good is the right reason, and the way we get the most out of the experience.


How to Attract Money Number 17: Appreciate What You Have

 In our modern society, there’s an idea of more, more, more. It’s an endless quest with no end in sight. Now and then, it’s important to stop and appreciate the abundance you already have.

When we appreciate what we already have, it’s a way of slowing down the fast-paced lives we live and assessing what we want and don’t want. It gives us clarity on our values and allows us to focus on the important things.

This process has a natural way of helping us attract what we want, whether that’s more money, time, or activities outside of the norm.


Pen and paper with the words "I am grateful for"


How to Attract Money Number 18: Help Others

When we help others, we are accomplishing multiple things with one action. Helping others allows us to:

  • Provide massive value to the person, or group of people, we’re trying to help
  • Help ourselves by formulating the thoughts and ideas needed to help others
  • Focus on something or someone outside of ourselves
  • Work for a greater cause
  • Learn more by teaching others

This is just a small list of benefits, most of us can probably come up with dozens more. Look around you and see how you can provide value to others, and who you can help. I think you’ll be surprised about how much value you can provide.


How to Attract Money Number 19: Take Action

Reading books and blogs, listening to podcasts, and watching instructional videos are all great, but there comes a point where you have to take action. Anyone can learn, but until action is taken, learning is just entertainment.

For example, if someone reads 100 books about investing and doesn’t actually invest at some point in the process, that information is just entertainment. It has to be applied and implemented. Someone can know all there is to know about investing, but it’s not going to help him or her financially.

As written in my book Cash Uncomplicated, taking action is a whole new level of learning and growth. There are victories and lessons learned by taking action that just can’t be replicated any other way.


How to Attract Money Number 20: Invest in Yourself

The best investment anyone can make is in themselves. When you invest in yourself, it creates a whole new level of belief and value in yourself that will propel your personal finances and other areas of your life to new levels.

Investing in yourself can look a variety of ways, here are a few examples:

  • Investing in your mind by taking courses, attending seminars, reading books, etc.
  • Investing in your physical health by eating well and exercising
  • Investing in your mental health by taking time off, unwinding, and spending time with family
  • Investing in your financial health by regularly contributing money to savings and investment accounts

Making investments like these in yourself has a way of attracting money to you. When you invest in yourself, you are subconsciously telling yourself that you matter and are in it for the long haul. You’re not just getting by day to day, you’re continually growing and developing.


Woman stretching outside


How to Attract Money Number 21: Reward Your Positive Choices

Last, but not least: reward your positive choices. What good is attracting money if you’re not enjoying it and rewarding yourself? In order to attract money, you have to make positive choices and some sacrifices along the way.

Maybe evenings that used to be spent watching television are now spent working on a project or learning about different investments. Or maybe a few weekends per year you’re sacrificing your leisure time to attend seminars that will help you grow.

Whatever your positive choices and sacrifices might be, you should reward them. Rewards give us motivation to work towards future goals and help us take a pause and enjoy what we’ve already accomplished.

Think about a professional sports team that wins a championship. After the championship is won, the players and coaches celebrate and enjoy the fruits of their labor. Then they set new goals for the next season and then get back  to work on the next victory.


There are many ways to attract money. This list is just a start to get you going. There are literally hundreds more ways you can probably think of. There are endless possibilities, and everyone is going to have new and exciting ways to attract money that fits their lifestyle.


What are some of the ways you attract money?



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