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Who is Aaron Nannini?

Welcome to my website! My name is Aaron Nannini and I’m the founder of Cash Uncomplicated.

Changing my mindset about personal finance has eliminated so much of the confusion and stress I used to have about money.

I believe that you can achieve complete financial harmony without sacrificing your lifestyle or happiness.

Recent Posts


Money Buckets: How I Allocate My Monthly Income

I’ve been asked a few times how I allocate my money so I decided to write a post about it. I personally use money buckets–it’s the best method I’ve found to make sure I’m paying myself first and setting aside enough money every month in the things I value like investments, vacations, and emergency savings.   Money Buckets Defined Money

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Money Mission: What’s Yours?

We all have a money mission. Wait a minute–a money mission? What’s that supposed to mean? Are we all supposed to be in in it for the money and live our lives trying to get rich so we can buy a McMansion and drive luxury cars? Nothing wrong with that if that’s what you want to do, but far from

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Important Money Conversation Topics: 10 to Get You Started

Let’s face it, not a lot of people want to have money conversations. There’s a stigma that it’s awkward, intrusive, and even unnecessary. But they are important, especially with someone you are in a relationship with. The majority of this post will focus on specific money conversation topics to make things flow more smoothly.   Why Are Money Conversation Topics

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Financial Compatibility: 8 Signs You’ve Got It

One of the number one relationship issues is money. Or in other words, people are not on the same page about money and argue about it a lot. I believe a big reason for this is a lack of financial compatibility. There’s a tendency to fall for someone and their great qualities. Caring personality, adventurous spirit, good looks, etc. It’s

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How to Improve Your Money Attitude

Your money attitude will determine your success with personal finances. It all starts and ends with attitude. With the right money attitude, financial magic can happen. With the wrong attitude, years of unnecessary hardship and negative thoughts.   What is Money Attitude and Why Does It Matter? Money attitude is the way we think, feel, and act around money. The

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Bag of trash

18 Things People Waste Money On

There are lots of things people waste money on. Fortunately, it’s easy to not waste money. Oftentimes wastefulness occurs simply due to a lack of awareness. Once there is awareness, steps can be taken to minimize, or outright avoid, the wasteful spending.   Things People Waste Money On Compiling a list of things people waste money on would take an

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Cash Uncomplicated

A New Mindset To Building Wealth

I’m very excited to announce the release of my new book Cash Uncomplicated! On sale everywhere books are sold.
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