Woman writing

Win the Month

For several years now, I’ve had a slogan of sorts. “Win the Month.” In this article, I’ll be applying it to personal finances, but it translates to almost any area of life.

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What is Lifestyle Creep? A Quick Overview

Alex is in his late twenties working for a marketing firm. Last year he made a little over 55,000 dollars, an increase of $7,000 from the year before. He hopes to make over 60,000 dollars this year after bonuses. Alex dutifully goes to work every morning and consistently gets good performance reviews.

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How Value-Based Spending Can Change Your Life

How many times have you bought something and then regretted it? Booked a trip and wished you didn’t a week later? Or thrown something away a month after buying it? On the opposite end, how many times have you regretted not purchasing something? Or wished you had gone on a trip?

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